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Cuban Adjustment (CAA): Your Route to Legal Permanent Residency

Navigating Cuban Adjustment

Embarking on a journey toward legal permanent residency, especially through the Cuban Adjustment Act, requires adept guidance and unwavering support. DeLaTorre Law is here to assist you as you navigate the intricacies of qualifying for Cuban Adjustment in San Antonio, TX.

Paving the Way to Legal Permanent Residency

The Cuban Adjustment Act provides a pathway for Cubans and certain family members of Cubans to secure legal permanent residency, symbolized by the coveted Green Card. At DeLaTorre Law, we understand the significance of this opportunity and are committed to being your dedicated advocates in this journey.

Criteria for Cuban Adjustment

Eligibility for Cuban Adjustment rests on several key requirements:

Citizenship of Cuba

Inspection and admission or release with parole

A minimum of one year's physical presence in the United States

Physical presence in the U.S. during the residency application

Absence of significant immigration violations or eligibility for a pardon

Avenues Beyond Parole

In certain situations, qualification under the Cuban Adjustment Act may be attainable even without having been granted parole.

Our Support Throughout Your Journey

Listening to Your Story:

We take the time to understand your unique experiences and circumstances.

Constructing a Convincing Case:

Our experienced attorneys compile the necessary documents for a compelling application.

Providing Guidance at Every Turn:

We offer unwavering support throughout the process, ensuring

Expert Assistance at Your Fingertips

Whether you have questions or concerns, DeLaTorre Law is here to provide you with the information you need. Contact our office to learn more or to discuss your individual situation in detail.